Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Want a Pet? Get Yourself a Pit Bull

So many people have pets. It is estimated that about twenty percent of the world's population owns dogs. Dogs have always been liked for their unwavering loyalty (which cats tend to exhibit less of) and friendliness. There are about a hundred and fifty breeds of dogs that are recognized by the American Kennel Club. However, there are estimated to be close to five thousand breeds that are not registered. From this wide range it is certainly difficult to determine which breed is best for you. It is said, though, that it is the dog that chooses you.

There are certain breeds that are very popular. For example the dachshund. The German shepherd is liked for its resilience and strength. The pug is loved for the way it looks. People buy Rottweilers and mastiffs for security purposes. The poodle is preferred in elitist circles. A generally under rated and yet excellent breed, that most people tend to ignore or overlook is called the Pitbull.

The Pitbull actually is not a specific breed; it is more of a combination of breeds. DNA analysis indicates that Pitbulls have varying genes of different breeds in them. This shows clearly that, rather than being a particular breed, the Pitbull is classified as such, because of certain characteristics of body and build. It is actually difficult to determine that a dog is Pitbull, just by looking at it, but generally they are characterized by short and stocky build and slightly bulldog-like features. Of course, this is a generalization and there are numerous exceptions to his rule.

PitBull Terriers are indigenous to America. They were originally developed to have the determination and tenacity of a terrier, as well as the raw athleticism and lithe characteristics of a bulldog. The experiment worked remarkably well, spawning a breed that would delight owners for years to come. They are widely recognized as being extremely determined and tenacious, whatever the cause. They are also very strong, often maiming other dogs in fights. However, they are known to be brimming with affection for humans, and they are extremely loyal. Any owner of this loving pet will tell you that their dog has nothing but love for them.

The standard greeting they used to offer will be to run up to the person and lick their face. They are known to be very friendly. They also love physical activity and are always full of energy. This is very good news if you are a sports maven or love running and jogging. Also, there is something about them that is comforting and reassuring in times of mental crisis. They are widely known as 'therapy dogs'. And most importantly, they love kids. Again, there may be exceptions to this, but generally they take to children immediately. All these traits make for an excellent pet. And now there are sites and companies which offer Pitbull puppies for sale, and they even ship them down.

Pitbull is a great companion. Loving, loyal, friendly and at the same time strong and agile. They will be great friends to you and your children alike. Find a company where there are pitbull puppies for sale now! For this just visit alabama iron pitbulls

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