Friday, September 28, 2012

What Are Gundogs?

Gundogs are actually also known as bird dogs. They assist hunters in pursuit and game retrieval - the "game" typically being a bird of one type or another. There are three main types of gundogs - retrievers, pointing breeds and flushing dogs.

Despite the fact that gundogs have been bred for a very specific task, some kennel clubs continue to categorize these dogs under the sporting group. Popular dogs falling within this breed include Labradors, Golden Retrievers and Spaniels.

The gundog's work typically involves pointing and setting, flushing game out of hiding, and lastly, retrieving the game for the hunter.

Gundogs who work as pointers and setters are made to circle a field by their handler. Highly skilled dogs are more likely to go around the edges of the field, as most birds are typically found in such areas. Aside from scouting out, this kind of run serves another purpose - it helps the dog establish and acquire the bird's particular scent.

If you have a good bird dog, he will usually be alert to you and the disposition of the other dogs in the group - this is critical as it helps to in successfully ranging the game birds.

Once a bird is sighted, the dog remains still until its handler directs what should be done, which will depend upon the dog's training and experience level.

Flushing dogs, unlike pointers, do not cover the same distance but they do work more closely with their handlers. These dogs are particularly used for birds that tend to run away from the hunter. Another difference between flushing dogs and pointing dogs is that the former does not direct where the birds are.

Retriever dogs, on the other hand, are basically used for upland birds like waterfowls. However, waterfowl hunting is usually done on boats so, Retrievers will often just sit and remain still unless they are directed by their handles to retrieve a particular bird. Whenever a bird is downed, a Retriever will specifically remember that particular location in order to retrieve it later.

As you can imagine, each dog breed (whether Labrador, Golden Retriever or Spaniel), is highly intelligent, trainable and very social. Being a successful hunting dog requires a certain temperament and personality. Through the years, these dogs have demonstrated these qualities and more, and have thus earned the love and respect of their handlers.

What's more, because of these desirable qualities, these dogs have successfully transitioned beyond the hunting arena and into the hearts and homes of millions of people throughout the world. is devoted to dogs and those who love them. Written by veterinarians and dog experts, we're working hard to create useful information for our visitors. All of our information has been prepared are written by experts, so you can be sure that you are getting quality advice and information from people who loves dogs as much as you do. Visit us at

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