Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Weird Dog Laws

Responsible dog owners are aware of at least the most important and common laws concerning animals in their region. They are also aware of convention and tend to make an effort not to let their dog get in anyone else's way. But some municipal, state, and federal laws really take the cake when it comes to deciding what is and isn't appropriate and acceptable behavior in relation to dogs.

In Turin, Italy, all dog owners take their dog-walking responsibilities seriously, because if they don't, they will have to pay a fine. So unless you want to pay some serious cash, you better take your dog out at least three times a day, every single day, regardless of breed.

Elsewhere, the one-child policy is in effect for dogs as well. In Shanghai, China, no one can have more than one dog as a pet at a time. For this reason, any puppies born to your dog must be given away by the age of three months, and of course the new owner can't already have a dog of their own. Kubla Khan would not do very well under this law, since he allegedly owned five thousand mastiffs.

In Oklahoma, USA, there is no way you can get away with teasing a dog. In fact, you will be arrested for making "ugly faces" at a dog. A similar provision exists in the awesomely named Normal, Illinois. You better treat those animals with real respect!

Here's one for the pacifists of the world. In the entire state of North Carolina, dogs and cats are not allowed to fight. It is illegal. I'm not sure what the punishment is. Jail time?

Owners with sick dogs should take not that in London, England, it is not permissible to carry a rabid dog in a taxi. So if you were planning on travelling to the vet by cab, you better think again.

In Boulder, Colorado, you cannot own an animal as a pet. You can keep a dog in your home as a pet, but you do not legally own it. You are a "pet minder," not an owner.

People who go to bed early and enjoy their evening and night-time peace and quiet should move to Little Rock, Arkansas, where it is illegal for a dog to bark after six o'clock. Better break out the muzzles and sedatives.

Freedom of assembly does not seem to apply to dogs in Oklahoma, even if the state does respect their emotional sensitivity, as mentioned above. At least, on private property, more than two dogs cannot gather without a permit signed by the mayor. It's good to know that residents' tax money is going to good use.

Dogs living in Ohio have even more to fear. Not only are their constitutional rights ignored, but a police officer can even bite a dog that is being loud in order to make it stop. I wonder how many police officers have tried that and how effective it was.

Other animals certainly have their own fair share of weird laws, but dogs seem to bear the brunt of it. Maybe it is because they have shared the lives of humans for as long as humans had domesticated animals. Or maybe it's just because they are so prevalent as pets these days, so they stay on people's minds. Whatever it is, this kind of legislation will certainly keep owners - or pet minders - on their toes when they travel from place to place. It might be good to check up on local restrictions, because you don't want to end up in jail for looking at a dog the wrong way.

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