Friday, December 28, 2012

Housebreak Your Pet With Dog Gates | Pet Blog

Do you have a pet running around the house, knocking things over – if yes, then dog gates will be very useful in keeping your pet enclosed within a specific space in your home. They double as protection for both pets and toddlers, keeping them safe from household hazards.

You can visit your local pet store or shop to buy a dog gate online. Baby shops and toy stores also stock baby gates so you can try to source them from here as well. The packaging would normally show a baby on one side and a dog on the other so you know that it’s the appropriate product.

Installing dog gates is a sensible option especially if you are trying to housebreak your puppy. Be sure you go about it in the right way. It’s okay for your puppy to do his potty duties in the confined area, but he should be discouraged from going about his business anywhere in the house.

With your dog safely behind the gate, you can go about your household chores without worrying about him getting into any trouble. This is not to say that he cannot get into trouble inside the gate. He might get a little too rowdy or have a mishap in the area. It is best to confine the pup after he has gone about his potty business.

A Useful Addition to Your Home

Dog gates are particularly useful to pet owners who wish to restrict their pets’ access to different areas of their home. This way, they stay safe and learn to keep their portion of the room clean.

Try and understand the way your puppy thinks. He cannot tell the difference between life outside and inside his enclosure. As far as he is concerned, any place away from his own little nook can be used alternatively as a playground or toilet.

Don’t let him run loose around the house. If you do, housebreaking him will take an eternity. Gradually show him other rooms in the house as a reward for good behavior. You can also keep him in the company of an older dog (if you have one). With the help of dog gates, he will slowly learn that the living space inside is his home and indicate whenever he needs to ease himself by pawing on the front or back door.

Oppenheimerhausen is an devoted cyberspace writer and likes to write about anything that has to do with pets. Oppenheimerhausen even enjoys composing pet related item reviews. Please visit the following pages on his sites: Wide Dog Gates.
Wooden Dog Gates.

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