Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dos and Don'ts for Flea and Tick Removal

Information on fleas and ticks control is important for every pet owner as it can save you a lot of money and time and your pet a lot of discomfort. Fleas and ticks can be kept at arm's length by following some simple dos and don'ts about them. Remember, flea and tick removal helps your pet stay happy and healthy!

These pesky parasites are troublesome for your dog. Animals easily pick up fleas and ticks from their outdoor surroundings, but getting rid of them can be a challenging job. Fleas and ticks can appear on a pet's body any time of the year, especially during warm weather when their parasitic activity is at the highest. Flea and tick cause severe problems leading to significant diseases. Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) is what most pet owners are afraid of. FAD causes the animal to bite and scratch. Ticks bring on an entirely different set of problems. There are many diseases transmittable through ticks, with Lyme disease being one of the biggest problems among them.

Flea treatment Dos:

Just like everything else in life it is very important to have all the information about fleas, their lifecycle and flea removal. Make sure that you are well read about flea removal medications for your pet.Repellents will not treat the flea burden. Instead become aware of a wide range of flea removal products depending upon your pet's weight.While you treat your pet with flea medication, don't forget to treat you house too! Flea sprays available in the market should keep your yard and surroundings safe.Go through the medication guidelines for flea removal treatments. It is necessary to treat your pet against flea infestation on a regular basis. Consult a veterinarian if needed.

Flea treatment Don'ts:

Don't split one dose/pipette on more than one pet. You cannot use the same product on two dogs with different weights or the same product on cats and dogs both, barring a few exceptions.Watch your pet closely! Once you have applied the medication, take care that your pet does not lick the applied area of medication. Also don't allow recently treated pets to groom one another.

Tick removal Dos:

If you are manually removing the ticks, grasp the tick as closely to the skin surface as possible or it won't help in complete tick removal.Make sure you clean and disinfect the site of the tick bite.

Tick removal Don'ts:

Avoid twisting or jerking the tick as you remove it.Don't use any random chemicals for tick removal. This will not solve the purpose.Don't use your bare fingers to grasp the tick. Beware! Ticks can stick to humans too. Always grasp the tick with fine gauze or a tissue if necessary.

Today there are several medications available to kill fleas and ticks and insect larvae at all stages. Choose from a wide range of spot-on and oral flea & tick control treatments like Frontline plus for dogs, Frontline plus for cats and K9 Advantix. If you have any query regarding flea and tick or your pet, you can visit and consult a veterinarian for free.

The author is a veterinary expert writes on topics like flea & tick removal, joint problems, Behavioral and worming in pets for various pet care sites and magazines.

View the original article here

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