Monday, October 1, 2012

The Healthiest Human Foods For Dogs

Though it can appear easy to provide your dog the same food you eat, you should never give them all types of human food. On occasion, giving human food can be safe, but more often than not, they are toxic to dogs.

The next time your dog is sitting around the table, staring into your soul, waiting eagerly to be fed table scarps, remember you may be doing more bad than good. Giving a dog human food can sometimes cause a health risk. With that said, it is important to understand which culinary treats make for great dog treats and which could bring you to the vet and lofty bills. Below is a brief guide into which human foods are ideal for doggy treats.

The first food is cheese. Though cheeses and dairy products are not poisonous to dogs, per say, they can prove difficult for dogs to digest. Mainly due to a dogs lack of large amounts of lactase, which aids in the break down of dairy products. Because of this, feeding you pup cheese and dairy products, has the ability to cause digestive issues and diarrhea. Unless you enjoy cleaning these messes up, avoid cheese.

Second and the most popular, peanut butter. Though in most cases this is not dangerous, in some instances, your dog may allergic. If you do feed your dog this type of treats and notice sings of irritated skin, hair loss, or ear infections, brings your pooch to the vet. Other attributes of peanut butter are the high sources of protein, but it is also high in fat and calories. Because of this, you should not frequently feed your dog this particular snack.

Similar to humans, dogs should avoid raw eggs. They can cause hair and skin issues and can pose a threat from the likes of salmonella. Hard boiled eggs are fine as an occasional treat, though, as long as your dog doesn't show any adverse reaction to them.

The fourth treat is vegetables. They are normally perfect for a dog's diet, it is not true for all of them. In larger amounts, items like onions, chives, and garlic can intestinal and red blood cell problems. Rhubarb leaves and mushrooms should also be avoided. Some acceptable vegetables to use as snacks are green beans, carrots, zucchini, and cucumber.

The fifth item on this list is fruit. Surprisingly, many different kinds of fruit can cause serious health issues within dogs. Grapes (rasins), avocados, and most citric fruits are toxic to dogs. The symptoms when these fruits are ingested can range from upset stomach to death. Fruit isn't all bad, sliced apples with no seeds can be used for a healthy snack.

Other Human Foods to Avoid: Many other household foods can be poisonous to dogs. Chocolate is a well known food for dogs to avoid, as it can cause many health problems, along with coffee and anything else that contains caffeine. Macadamia nuts are also extremely dangerous for dogs. Finally, uncooked bread dough, yeast, and raw meat can cause stomach problems for your dog.

Acceptable Dog Treats: Some of the snacks mentioned above, as well as some other snacks, such as unsalted pretzels or almonds, bananas and cooked, low-fat meats, can be good dog treats. Remember to use them sparingly, though, as too many human treats can be an unhealthy diet.

Isaac Macalister is a frequent contributor for Hartz and has written many articles pertaining to cat and dog needs. Including anything from dog training to summer fun with your dog including tips on Hartz UltraGuard Flea Control.

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