Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why You Should Keep Your Pets on a Healthy Diet Too

Everyone knows that it is important to keep a fit and healthy lifestyle. Eating healthily is important for a number of reasons; it prevents diseases, benefits your brain and looks after your hair, skin, your heart and more.

The foods that are important to stick too are fruit, vegetables, white meat, nuts, whole grain foods and lots of water. Consuming all of these will give you a steadier level of blood sugar, prevent hunger cravings and keep you fuller for longer.

More and more people are becoming more health aware due to the media and scientists publishing articles on a regular basis on the importance of looking after yourself. They say you are what you eat and if you don't look good on the outside e.g. with your skin, hair, shape and so on then imagine what your inside will look like?

There is a lot of pressure to take care of yourself more and its important to not only eat well but to have a healthier lifestyle. This means taking regular exercise such as going to the gym, swimming or joining a sports team such as football or netball. On average each person should work out between 3-4 times a week to get the blood pumping healthily around your body.

If you aren't a fan of the gym then you can take your dog out for a long walk each night. What people don't realise is if you're unhealthy then it is more unlikely that your dog will be unhealthy too because you will feel obliged to give it treats which are extremely dangerous to a dogs health.

By over-feeding a dog it can cause them to be in crippling pain which can lead to diseases such as arthritis or preventing them from being able to walk. In America about half of all dogs and cats in family homes are over weight or obese. According to a recent study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention this is because many of these pets are treated like beloved children which are causing them to have severe and unhealthy problems.

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, in 2011, pet insurance for diabetes increased by 253% whereas, heart disease rose by 32%.

Dr. Carol McConnell, chief veterinary medical officer for VPI Pet Insurance stated: "The most heartbreaking thing is having to put a pet to sleep just because it can't mechanically get around anymore; you need to make sure the pet is healthy either through calorie restriction or an exercise plan. Whatever you do, you need to do it gradually."

Adrienne is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of health and pets. The websites recommended by Adrienne have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at Diet food for dogs today.

View the original article here

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