Saturday, September 29, 2012

Training Your Puppy

Dogs are intelligent animals and have a special relationship with humans. If you are the proud owner of a pet dog, you will feel a special bond that has grew between you and will last for life. If you own the dog from it being a young pup, that bond seems even more cemented. It is great owning them from the early days too because you can train it more efficiently and make sure that it is looked after the way you want it to be.

There are various commands which range from simple tasks such as 'sit' and 'stay', leading up to more difficult options such as spinning in a circle and crawling along the ground. If your dog can perform these tricks among with others it is great fun to show off to family and friends, and it will strengthen the love between you and your dog. It shows how obedient it is and that it will fully listen to your commands.

Once your puppy comes into your home you should try to teach them as soon as possible. Give them time to adapt and get used to their surroundings then make sure that they will follow your commands. Dogs always seem to have a favourite person, when in training; it should really be taught by one person alone so that they take in the information and can learn the sound of their voice. The way that words are pronounced need to be drawn out, such as 'stay', the end 'y' sound should go on for longer than necessary and with 'sit' you should really emphasise the 't'.

Dogs, just like us humans do, respond well to treats. They will not just do these commands if they think they will get nothing out of it at the end. Although praise and a good stroke from their loving owner are always welcomed, dog treats are particularly appreciated. Having a handful of biscuits or other goodies will certainly make your pup listen up to the words you say. Make sure not to give them too many however, you do not want to spoil their main bowl of dog food later on! You need to distinguish the difference between when they have done something well and something badly; if they do it wrong they will be encouraged by the treats to try again.

Once you get into a routine of teaching them often and they get used to what they should be doing to get these treats and praise, they will have a mindful of tricks to show off. They are not only impressive but show how much time and affection you have put into teaching your dog, it really shows that you care. They will love you more for all of the time spent and will make them much calmer as they grow up.

Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of pets, their supplies and also outdoor clothing. The websites recommended by Zoe Robinson have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at a range of dog food online today.

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