Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dog Gates For The House Making a dog run at my house? | Good

I ?m m?k?ng a gated dog r?n ?n th? side ?f m? house. I don’t want t? ??t grass ?n ?t b?????? th? dog urine w??? k??? ?t. Leaving ?t dirt w??? cause dirt ?n th? house wh?n th? dog comes ?n, same w?th sand. Rocks w??? m?k? ?t hard t? pick up poop. D??? anyone h??? a g??? ???? ?f wh?t t? ??t down ?n th? kennel th?t w??? b? comfortable f?r th? dog ?n? m?k? ?t easy t? maintain ?n? ????n? Thanks f?r ???r h???.

An?w?r b? CNI
I h??? seen ?t ?n th?? site: http://charitynetwork.blogspot.com I realized h?w lucky I ?m ?n? blessed. H??? a nice day! Thank ???

www.doggatesforthehouse.org Dog gates ?r? a simple solution f?r restricting ???r pet’s access t? specific rooms ?r areas ?f ???r home. Protect ???r dog ?n? ???r furniture! http

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