Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Useful Tips for First Time Dog Owners

Dogs make such wonderful pets. That is why many first time pet owners choose to take care of dogs over other possible pets. People who take on the responsibility of owning a dog as a pet should realize that it is a major responsibility - and first time dog owners should especially take note of this.

Probably the most important thing that a first time dog owner should realize is that dogs should be treated just like as members of the family. If you are a first time dog owner and you are not ready to treat a dog that way, then it is likely that it is not yet time for you to take care of one.

If you are able to take care of your dog - particularly if it is still a puppy - in much the same way that you would care for a child of your own then that's certainly a good thing, plus you can be assured of being loved back by your dog and the great loyalty that comes with that type of relationship. So for first time dog owners, it would be good for you to know of some useful tips on how you could take care of your dog better.

A first time dog owner would be well advised to get a puppy rather than a full grown dog. It would be easier for a first time owner to deal with a puppy since it would be much easier to teach it and take care of it rather than a full grown dog that might not be trained properly at all. A good idea would be to enroll the puppy in an obedience class, as it would allow for proper training that would be beneficial for everyone that would come into contact with the dog - not only the owner.
Naturally, a new dog owner would have to learn all about the health and nutrition of his pet. Whatever health or nutrition related issues there is, he would need to know all about it so that he would be able to deal with it if there is any problem that's related to it. Regular check ups and consultations with the vet is definitely ideal for the dog, and the dog owner would have to ask for exercises that are specific to the dog's breed and would be most beneficial to it. The kind of dog food should also have to be exactly right for the dog's age and size, so that it would grow properly.
It is important that you dog-proof your home. This is actually not too different from child-proofing your home, where you would now have to prioritize the safety of your dog when it comes to your home. You need to make sure that there no small items lying around that could potentially pose some harm to your dogs, and you can count small toys and other little objects among those that can pose some potential danger. And not only small objects could pose some threat to your dogs, as there are certain plants that could prove poisonous to them. So it is also important that you know what those plants are.

If you are looking for affordable pet insurance for your precious furry family members, then you are in the right place. We offer dog insurance and cat insurance at prices you can afford. Our cheap pet insurance plans provide you the best coverage for your money.

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Want a Pet? Get Yourself a Pit Bull

So many people have pets. It is estimated that about twenty percent of the world's population owns dogs. Dogs have always been liked for their unwavering loyalty (which cats tend to exhibit less of) and friendliness. There are about a hundred and fifty breeds of dogs that are recognized by the American Kennel Club. However, there are estimated to be close to five thousand breeds that are not registered. From this wide range it is certainly difficult to determine which breed is best for you. It is said, though, that it is the dog that chooses you.

There are certain breeds that are very popular. For example the dachshund. The German shepherd is liked for its resilience and strength. The pug is loved for the way it looks. People buy Rottweilers and mastiffs for security purposes. The poodle is preferred in elitist circles. A generally under rated and yet excellent breed, that most people tend to ignore or overlook is called the Pitbull.

The Pitbull actually is not a specific breed; it is more of a combination of breeds. DNA analysis indicates that Pitbulls have varying genes of different breeds in them. This shows clearly that, rather than being a particular breed, the Pitbull is classified as such, because of certain characteristics of body and build. It is actually difficult to determine that a dog is Pitbull, just by looking at it, but generally they are characterized by short and stocky build and slightly bulldog-like features. Of course, this is a generalization and there are numerous exceptions to his rule.

PitBull Terriers are indigenous to America. They were originally developed to have the determination and tenacity of a terrier, as well as the raw athleticism and lithe characteristics of a bulldog. The experiment worked remarkably well, spawning a breed that would delight owners for years to come. They are widely recognized as being extremely determined and tenacious, whatever the cause. They are also very strong, often maiming other dogs in fights. However, they are known to be brimming with affection for humans, and they are extremely loyal. Any owner of this loving pet will tell you that their dog has nothing but love for them.

The standard greeting they used to offer will be to run up to the person and lick their face. They are known to be very friendly. They also love physical activity and are always full of energy. This is very good news if you are a sports maven or love running and jogging. Also, there is something about them that is comforting and reassuring in times of mental crisis. They are widely known as 'therapy dogs'. And most importantly, they love kids. Again, there may be exceptions to this, but generally they take to children immediately. All these traits make for an excellent pet. And now there are sites and companies which offer Pitbull puppies for sale, and they even ship them down.

Pitbull is a great companion. Loving, loyal, friendly and at the same time strong and agile. They will be great friends to you and your children alike. Find a company where there are pitbull puppies for sale now! For this just visit alabama iron pitbulls

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Weight Pulling for Pit Bulls

Pit bulls were bred to be tenacious and extremely athletic for dog fighting and other violent purposes. They needed super amounts of stamina and grit for bouts that lasted up to six hours and often ended in both dogs dying from exhaustion. Today, most pit bulls have maintained their ancestors' boundless energy and endurance and can run and play all day long. For pit bull owners, this level of energy and intensity can be a challenge to keep up with. Fortunately, the growing dog sport of weight pulling has become a fantastic and humane way for pit bulls to utilize their genetic gifts and burn off tons of energy in the process. They have legendary reputations for tremendous strength and willingness to please their owners, which makes them the ideal breed for this sport.

If you are interested in having your pit bull participate in weight pulling, here are some helpful answers to some common questions!

Q: What materials will I need to train my dog to weight pull?
A: The main things you will need are a healthy dog, time and patients! Everything after that is simple. You will need a weight pull harness that fits the size of your dog and a cart to attach it to.

Q: At what age can I begin training?
A: Around the age of 6 months your dog will be able to start pulling light weight. Puppies and young dogs that are still maturing can be damaged if introduced to weight too soon, the pulling can harm the way their bones and joints mature. By the age of 18 Months, your dog will have fully developed muscles and connective tissue to pull heavier weights.

Q: Do I need a weight pulling harness to get him used to it ahead of time?
A: No, a regular harness leash will work fine to get your pit bull used to the feel of it. Do NOT have your dog pulling weight with a regular harness. Use it only to get your dog used to the feeling of a harness, or he will pull every time you put it on him.

Q: When my dog is ready for training, how do I introduce the weight pull harness?
A: Put the weight pull harness on the dog and play with him. He will then associate the harness with playing or fun. Walk around with the dog while he is wearing the harness. Pit bulls love to please their owner, so make sure you are praising him to keep him motivated!

Q: How do I teach the pull command?
A: Make your dog "stay" in place with the harness on, then call him back to you with the word you want to use as the command to pull, such as "pull" or "work". Make sure you pick a word to use that you will stick with. If you try to change commands, it will only confuse your dog.

Q: Should I use "bait"?
A: This is a controversial question. If you decide to use bait, make sure you do NOT use any thing that resembles animals or humans. Aside from being potentially dangerous, using any such item will get your dog disqualified during an event! Teaching your dog to pull on command is a lot easier and does not cause any confusion to the dog.

Q: When is my pit bull ready for weight?
A: Once your pit bull is comfortable wearing the harness and responding to your command, it is time to introduce some weight. A 1-10 pound weight plate or tire tied to a cable is a good start. If you made the experience fun from the beginning, your dog will probably run to you like there is nothing on him. Make sure you go easy the first month. After each pulling set, make sure you are constantly rewarding your dog with praise or treats. Practice with the same weight for about a month to get him used to the feel of pulling, and then gradually increase the weight over time. Make sure your dog spends a couple of weeks working with each weight increase before introducing heavier weights.

Keep in mind that there is a good deal of money involved in the sport of weight pulling such as purchasing equipment, training and traveling to events. If you have the means, however, it can give your dog focus, build his confidence, and also strengthen your bond.

For more pit bull products and resources go to http://bullpitbulls.com/

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Best Flea Control For Dogs With Vinegar

Protect your dogs against fleas and ticks with vinegar

Vinegar is known as an effective natural flea medication that most of the pet owners are still unaware of. It is readily available and that too at truly affordable prices. It does not kill fleas but rather repels the pesky insects.

It tastes bad, smells bad and is very acidic. As a result, it is no surprise that the annoying fleas do not like it. It can be used in various ways, either as a topical spray or in the form of a diet supplement. The moment fleas feel or smell the vinegar aura coming from dogs they instantly steer up.

5 ways of using vinegar to keep fleas at bay-

1. Using vinegar as a flea medication is truly effective in preventing flea infestations on cats and dogs, regarded as the best flea control for dogs, vinegar is a good alternative to using products containing harmful chemicals. Apart from working wonders, it is something that every pet owner have in their house. As per a research, parasites and fleas hate the sour stench of vinegar and hence has proven effective in getting rid of them.

2. Vinegar can also be used as a pet shampoo. It is not only economical but also helps fleas to fall off from the pet's body. All that pet owners need is half cup of dishwashing soap, half cup of vinegar and a tub of warm water. Upon bathing, the annoying fleas will fall off in the water. To ensure that the fleas no longer stick on the dog's coat, thoroughly comb the fur of the dog post dipping it in the solution of diluted vinegar.

3. Mix together two pints of water and one-third cup of vinegar and transfer this into a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on drapery, beds, or couch covers but ensure that vinegar is not used in excess as it is likely to disintegrate the draperies and beds prior to the removal of fleas.

4. Adding one teaspoon of vinegar to the dog's water is also one of the best flea medication. Drinking this water will surely make the skin of the dog acidic which fleas find to be less tasty.

5. Vinegar also acts as a flea trap. Simply pouring vinegar in a bowl and leaving it undisturbed in areas where fleas infest the most will also help to prevent fleas. The next morning one will find heaps of fleas inside the bowl.

Apart from these, vinegar also helps to clean the dog's ears by neutralizing fungus as well as preventing yeast from gathering in their ears. Vinegar is indeed one of the best flea control for dogs.

Generic Frontline Plus is known for its high quality pet supplies. Be it brand or generic, this online store has everything for pet lovers. Visit our blog for information on pet health and grooming tips.

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Weird Dog Laws

Responsible dog owners are aware of at least the most important and common laws concerning animals in their region. They are also aware of convention and tend to make an effort not to let their dog get in anyone else's way. But some municipal, state, and federal laws really take the cake when it comes to deciding what is and isn't appropriate and acceptable behavior in relation to dogs.

In Turin, Italy, all dog owners take their dog-walking responsibilities seriously, because if they don't, they will have to pay a fine. So unless you want to pay some serious cash, you better take your dog out at least three times a day, every single day, regardless of breed.

Elsewhere, the one-child policy is in effect for dogs as well. In Shanghai, China, no one can have more than one dog as a pet at a time. For this reason, any puppies born to your dog must be given away by the age of three months, and of course the new owner can't already have a dog of their own. Kubla Khan would not do very well under this law, since he allegedly owned five thousand mastiffs.

In Oklahoma, USA, there is no way you can get away with teasing a dog. In fact, you will be arrested for making "ugly faces" at a dog. A similar provision exists in the awesomely named Normal, Illinois. You better treat those animals with real respect!

Here's one for the pacifists of the world. In the entire state of North Carolina, dogs and cats are not allowed to fight. It is illegal. I'm not sure what the punishment is. Jail time?

Owners with sick dogs should take not that in London, England, it is not permissible to carry a rabid dog in a taxi. So if you were planning on travelling to the vet by cab, you better think again.

In Boulder, Colorado, you cannot own an animal as a pet. You can keep a dog in your home as a pet, but you do not legally own it. You are a "pet minder," not an owner.

People who go to bed early and enjoy their evening and night-time peace and quiet should move to Little Rock, Arkansas, where it is illegal for a dog to bark after six o'clock. Better break out the muzzles and sedatives.

Freedom of assembly does not seem to apply to dogs in Oklahoma, even if the state does respect their emotional sensitivity, as mentioned above. At least, on private property, more than two dogs cannot gather without a permit signed by the mayor. It's good to know that residents' tax money is going to good use.

Dogs living in Ohio have even more to fear. Not only are their constitutional rights ignored, but a police officer can even bite a dog that is being loud in order to make it stop. I wonder how many police officers have tried that and how effective it was.

Other animals certainly have their own fair share of weird laws, but dogs seem to bear the brunt of it. Maybe it is because they have shared the lives of humans for as long as humans had domesticated animals. Or maybe it's just because they are so prevalent as pets these days, so they stay on people's minds. Whatever it is, this kind of legislation will certainly keep owners - or pet minders - on their toes when they travel from place to place. It might be good to check up on local restrictions, because you don't want to end up in jail for looking at a dog the wrong way.

Ivan's Puppies has been breeding and training puppies for over 30 years. Our hard work has been paying off, as now we are proud to be breeding Bulldog litters with excellent quality, with little to no health problems and good temperaments. For English Bulldog Puppies, visit our website at http://www.bulldogsnewyork.com/.

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7 Dog Training Tips You Must Teach Your Pet

Responsible dog owners will often look for dog training advice. This is available from a variety of sources including the internet, books and DVDs. The following dog training tips are designed to help dog owners understand what is needed of them to create a strong bond between themselves and their pets, as well as creating a safe environment for the dog and all those around it.

1. Establish leadership and boundaries - Dogs are pack animals and respond to the leader of the pack. If the owner of a dog is seen to have moments of weakness, the dog will assume that it they who are in charge and all future commands from the owner will be wasted. It should be clear from the very start who the leader is and what is expected of the dog.

2. Be patient - When teaching a dog a new command, it is important to be patient. Shouting or punishing the dog by hitting them will only serve to confuse and scare the animal. If an owner can feel their patience slipping, it is time to end the training session.

3. Reward and correct - Dogs do not automatically know what a command is. By showing them what is expected of them and rewarding them, owners are giving the dogs a reason to do what is asked of them. If a dog does not respond correctly to a command, the owner should correct their behavior.

4. Consistency is key - Once the boundaries have been set, it is imperative that the owner keeps maintains the course of action which has been set. If a dog is rewarded one minute for behavior and then the next time it is ignored, they will become unsure of what they are supposed to be doing.

5. Keep sessions short - By doing this, dog owners are less likely to become impatient and dogs can quite often be very similar to small children in that their attention span is not as great as the trainer might like. A few minutes of dog training each day is more than enough for both parties.

6. Practice somewhere quiet - Whilst the goal may be to go into a park and be able to retrieve the dog no matter how many other distractions are around, it will take time to get to this point. In the early days especially, it is essential that dogs should be trained in a quiet place with as few distractions as possible. After training is finished though, it is a great idea to take them out somewhere and have a play with them as a final enforcement for their good behavior during training.

7. Start as early as possible - Dog training should begin as soon as possible after the dog has become a member of the family. Whilst it is easier to teach puppies, those people who rescue dogs which are older will be able to achieve the same results, even if it takes a while longer. The key is to be patient but persistent.

Visit Pruitt Yorkies for your free dog training advice. No strings attached. You can also find useful Dog Training tips at our website.

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What Are the Best Toy Breed Dogs for Elderly People?

Senior citizens generally want to live independently, but of course, while there is a lot to be said for living on one's own, it can also get more than a bit lonely. One source of companionship which many elderly people turn to is getting a pet. Many studies have shown that caring for a pet can reduce anxiety and has a number of health benefits as well. A dog is an excellent choice of pet, but especially for older people, it's important to consider the amount of care and attention that a dog will need.

Many seniors want the companionship and affection of a dog, but would rather avoid the difficulties which come with caring for a larger dog. However, a smaller dog, such as many toy breeds, are a good match for senior lifestyles. A small dog is easier to transport when it's time for a visit to the veterinarian and in many cases, are better suited to a life largely spent indoors. Basically, calmer breeds which require less in the way of outdoor play and exercise are usually a better choice for elderly persons.

It's important to remember that dogs are very much individuals and that every breed has its share of bad apples. That said, the following are toy breeds which tend to be good pets for senior citizens.

Scottish Terriers

Often called Scotties, these smaller members of the terrier family originated, as the name suggests, in Scotland. Their fur is short and wiry and these dogs tend to shed relatively little. They're on the larger side of the toy breeds spectrum, usually weighing in somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds. They're a breed which loves spending time their owners and crave companionship. Scottish terriers are a very intelligent breed and learn tricks readily as well as being famed for their loyalty.

Cocker Spaniels

This is a breed which needs little introduction. These soulful-eyed, curly-haired dogs are a great pet for elderly persons. They tend to need an average amount of exercise - a few short daily walks combined with a little indoor play time will meet the needs of most cocker spaniels. These are very affectionate dogs which love nothing more than snuggling up with their owners.


Pugs may be small dogs, but they have big personalities and a lot of love to give. They need a little more attention than some other toy breeds, but they'll repay their owners for this attention handsomely in entertainment and affection. They're a playful breed, but do quite well living indoors (with regular walks, of course).

Yorkshire Terriers

More often known as Yorkies, Yorkshire terriers are known for their calm demeanor. They love to play, but are equally happy to lounge around or settle down on the sofa with their owners for a good snooze. Much like Scottish terriers, they're intelligent and very loyal. One thing that prospective Yorkie owners should be aware of is that these dogs do need regular grooming.

Read more about toy breed dogs for seniors. Check out my favorite pet store, Friendly Paws Pet Supplies, for a full range of dog supplies.

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